
Brine shrimp cysts
We supply high quality brine shrimp cysts from the Great Salt Lake and Russia, with up to a 90% hatch rate. Easily hatched to provide live feed for freshwater and marine fish. Live adult brine shrimps are high in protein and give better growth rates, survival and colour development than artificial or processed diets. Most marine creatures now in aquaculture use artemia as part of their diet.
The high quality Artemia cysts harvested from the Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA). Great Salt Lake EG260,000 NPG (90% hatch rate)
Live Feed
We also supply a full range of live feed and nutritional supplements for live feed, larval rearing and nursery stages. Please visit our supply partners website for further details click here. Contact us for technical product support, pricing and availability. Commercial quantities and pricing available upon request.