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In partnership with Schott Glass we are producing a series of free E-books to help inform interested parties about the benefits of tubular photobioreactors. The first edition is entitled ‘Why is a photobioreactor made from a high end glass far more efficient?’.

If your main concerns are the lifetime of the PBR system and the total cost of ownership, you are definitely making the right choice with a glass PBR.

However, even when choosing among glass PBRs, there are significant differences. These differences can have a profound impact on the final system performance and therefore it is paramount that you are aware of them.

If you are in search for high yield PBR made from glass you should take a look at this guide.

See the results of these test and the calculations behind them in our new guide:

[Link] ‘Why is a photobioreactor made from high end glass far more efficient?’

In the following, you will learn about:

  •    What is a suitable glass for PBR use?
  •     Why is the glass wall thickness important?
  •     Why are long tube lengths preferable?
  •     Why can tube length tolerance variations lead to problems?
  •     What should you consider to avoid glass breakage?

Download your guide here for free: [Link]Why is a photobioreactor made from high end glass far more efficient?.